The 11 Best At Home Ab Workouts

at home ab workouts

Did you know that experts say working with a personal trainer or a fitness coach is one of the best ways to achieve your fitness goals?

Since the COVID-19 lockdown, gym culture has changed. People who once hit the gym several times a week had to make changes to their routines. Now that gyms are open for business without restrictions, some people have chosen personal training or semi-private fitness classes instead.

If you’re looking for alternatives to the standard gym experience, check out these at-home ab workouts that your personal trainer can coach you through.

Why Choose a Personal Trainer?

Motivation is key when you’re taking on a new fitness routine. Having an experienced personal trainer on your team can help ensure you meet your fitness goals.

One-on-One Attention

When you work with a personal trainer, you have the advantage of individual attention. Instead of trying to perfect workout moves on your own, your trainer can evaluate your form and make sure you’re targeting the muscles that need attention.

You also don’t have to compete with other gym-goers who may need more instruction. You can feel reassured that your trainer has your best interests in mind.

Personalized Workout Routines

When you meet with a personal trainer, they’ll take the time to assess your goals and your current fitness level. The result is a workout routine tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or want to train for a marathon, having a personal trainer on your side means you’ll receive motivation, encouragement, and a push when you’re in a slump.

Semi-Private Classes Can Be Rewarding

Group classes can be rewarding, but sometimes it isn’t easy to keep up when the class is crowded. When you attend a semi-private workout session, the trainer has more time to answer questions and help you nail your technique.

Training with a few other participants also leads to encouragement and camaraderie. When you’re working out with fewer people, you feel more confident. Plus, your new workout companions can be a great source of inspiration.

Your group may even be inspired to get together for group walks, bike rides, or a barbecue featuring healthier food and drink.

Personal Trainers Have Their Own Fitness Stories

Personal trainers weren’t born physically fit. Many of them struggled with overeating, lack of exercise, or sidelining injuries. They made the decision to overcome these setbacks and focus on their health and fitness.

These experiences help trainers empathize with your situation and your goals. They can also help recognize previous injuries and setbacks and devise strategies that will help you start your workouts in a safe and effective manner.

Try These At-Home Ab Workouts

Strengthening your abdominal muscles benefits your whole body. Strong abs help support your back, improve your posture, and help your clothes fit better. These eleven ab workouts are easy, and your trainer can oversee your progress.

1. The Russian Twist

The Russian twist isn’t a dance move. It’s a workout that targets your obliques which are the muscles that run down your sides toward your hips.

Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your knees and lift your feet about a foot off the floor. Twist your upper body to the left, then repeat on the right side.

Repeat the move ten times on both sides. If you find the move too difficult, you can begin with your heels resting lightly on the floor. When you feel stronger, lift your feet.

If you feel any back pain, stop the exercise and try a different ab exercise.

2. Knees to Hands

This standing exercise is great for beginners and those with back pain. The knees-to-hands move works your lower abdominal muscles.

Start in a standing position with your feet together but not touching. Raise your arms overhead with your fingers laced together.

Lower your hands and raise your left knee to meet them. Repeat with the left knee ten times, then switch to the right knee. If you feel comfortable, you can add five or ten more repetitions.

Concentrate on your abdominal muscles while doing this exercise. Doing this will help you work your abs instead of your back.

3. Oblique Crunch

The oblique crunch not only strengthens your obliques. It also doubles as a thigh and butt workout.

Stand with your legs more than shoulder-width apart but not too far so that you feel unstable. Turn your toes slightly out.

Lace your fingers together and raise your arms over your head. While keeping your back straight, lower your upper body toward your right knee. Repeat ten times, then switch to your left side.

Keep your mind on your midsection and tighten your abs with each repetition.

4. Extending Crunch

Crunches come in several variations, and this extending crunch targets both your upper and lower abdominals.

Lie flat on your back with your legs straight in front of you. Lace your fingers behind your neck.

While supporting your neck, bring your chin and your knees to your chest. Then straighten your legs, being sure to keep your heels about a foot off the floor.

Repeat the movement ten times. If you experience any lower back pain, try placing a rolled-up towel or small pillow under your back for support.

5. Bird Dog

For this ab workout routine, get on your hands and knees on the floor. Be sure to keep your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.

Extend your left arm straight in front of you and your right leg straight behind you. Keep your leg parallel to the floor. Bring your left elbow back so it’s level with your left shoulder.

Repeat this movement ten times, then switch to the other side.

The bird dog works all of your core muscles and requires significant stability. If you don’t get it right at first, keep trying.

6. Planks

Planks are one of the best workouts for your abdominal muscles. This exercise also strengthens your arms and your back. If you’re a beginner, start with your forearms on the floor.

Start with your hands and knees on the floor and put your weight on your toes. Be sure your hands are under your shoulders. Lift your knees and walk your toes behind your until your legs are straight.

Pull your abdomen toward your back and hold the position for 30 seconds while pointing your heels behind you. If a 30-second hold is too challenging, try ten seconds to start.

7. Scissor Kick

Start this movement by lying flat on the floor with your legs raised to a 90-degree angle. If you feel any strain in your back, you can place your hands under your butt or use a rolled-up towel.

Slowly lower your legs until your feet are about a foot off the floor. Bring one leg back to the starting position, then switch. The movement should feel like leg kicks during swimming.

The goal is 30 kicks with each leg. However, if you need to start with fewer repetitions, that’s fine.

8. Crunches

Crunches are perfect for strengthening your ab muscles, but they can also be difficult. The trick is knowing your limits and not pushing yourself too hard. Crunches have several variations, so you can decide which one is right for you.

Standard Crunches

For this exercise, lie on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your feet a few inches past your knees. Lace your hands behind your neck for support.

Contract your abs and lift your body toward your knees. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position.

Try to keep your eyes on the ceiling during this exercise. Not only does this help engage your abs, but it also prevents strain on your neck.

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches engage your abs and your obliques, so they’re a great all-in-one exercise. Start with your body in the same position as you would for regular crunches but point your elbows out to the side.

Tighten your abs and lift your right knee toward your chest. Twist your upper body and reach toward your knee with your left elbow. Lower your upper body back to the floor and switch to your left knee and right elbow.

Again, support your neck with your hands and try to keep your eyes up.

The Vertical Leg Crunch

For this exercise, lay on your back and raise both legs toward the ceiling making a right angle. Cross your ankles and point your toes upward with your knees slightly bent.

While supporting your neck and looking upward, raise your belly toward your legs. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat at least ten times. Increase the repetitions as you feel stronger.

9. Side Plank

This exercise is challenging, so it’s best to take it slowly if you’re a beginner.

Start by lying on your right side with your feet on top of each other. Place your right elbow on the floor with your hand extended outward. Make a fist with your pinkie finger on the floor.

Tighten your abs and raise your body while maintaining a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Hold the position for ten seconds, then slowly lay back down. Repeat ten times, then switch sides.

10. Toe Reaches

This exercise is excellent for beginners as you can modify it to your unique abilities.

Start by lying down with your legs extended and your heels touching the ground. Lift your legs straight up with the bottoms of your feet parallel to the ceiling. Extend your arms, lift your torso, and reach toward your feet.

As with other ab exercises, keep your chin up to protect your neck.

If straightening your legs hurts your hamstrings bend your knees until you’re comfortable. As your muscles get stronger, you’ll be able to do this exercise without trouble.

11. Hula Hooping

If you want to change your ab workout routine and get off the floor, hula hooping is a fun way to work out. All you need is a hula hoop and the persistence to learn how to do it.

A weighted hula hoop makes it a bit easier for beginners. Step inside the hula hoop and hold it at waist level. Swing the hula hoop to one side, then move your hips in a circle to mimic the movement.

Allow the hula hoop to make contact with your hips to maintain momentum. Keep your abs tights as you swing, and before you know it, you’ll be able to keep the hoop moving.

Hula hooping is also a great way to involve your family in a fun exercise.

Safety Tips for At-Home Ab Workouts

Staying safe and preventing injury are critical when beginning any workout. Always check with your healthcare team before you start.

Protecting your neck and your back is of the utmost importance. Use a towel, blanket, or foam block to support your lower back. Always try to aim for the correct position, but if you need to make modifications like bending your knees, that’s okay.

Be sure to stretch before you start these abdominal workouts. If you experience any pain, stop and rest. If the pain persists, see your doctor.

Learn More About Getting Fit and Healthy

Keeping your body fit and strong comes with many benefits. Exercise helps lower your cholesterol and your blood pressure. A healthy diet is also a key component of any new physical fitness routine.

These at-home ab workouts can also help relieve lower back pain.

If you’re ready to learn more about our physical fitness services, feel free to contact us. Whether you’d like to work with a personal trainer or get help crafting a personal workout routine, we’re here to help.

A new, healthier you is just a click away.


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